The Parker Jewish Institute understands that there are daily movements, that when considered and practiced with a recovering adult, quality of life improves. While under the care of Parker’s dedicated staff, our patients and residents are provided innovative care, that enables their full recovery.
Recently, to better serve our physical therapy patients, to master the ability to safely enter and exit a car, Parker invested in a rehabilitation vehicle simulator. The vehicle includes a height adjustment system, which allows the therapist to match the height of the car that the patient will either be riding in or driving, when they leave Parker. Thanks to the vehicle simulator at Parker, our therapists are able to reinforce these skills, over a period of time.
Patient Theresa Schillero, who is set to be discharged within the next two weeks, has already secured the skills necessary to enter/exit any vehicle. Mrs. Schillero, an extraordinarily motivated patient, came to Parker, after suffering a stroke that temporarily paralyzed her left arm and leg. Under the guidance of Parker’s team of physical and occupational therapists, Mrs. Schillero regained the ability to walk, write, climb stairs and now enter and exit a car well in advance of her discharge date.