Parker Family Highlights
Parker E-News
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
Monday, March 4, 2024

March is Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a long-lasting chronic disease of the central nervous system. It is an unpredictable disease, with different levels of severity, which can progressively worsen over time. While there has been a rise in diagnosis, much is still unknown about the causes of the disease and effective treatments.
Parker Jewish Institute is home for many in our community with MS. The ages of our residents who cope with MS range. The tenacity, alacrity, and determination to live life to the fullest is a shared personal trait for all our MS residents. Together, Parker’s MS residents have created a support group at our institute. The group meets several times a month to discuss an array of topics. They discuss their personal struggles with the disease, and give each other advice. More importantly they uplift their morale by discussing what they are grateful to have in their life, and remain hopeful that a medical break through in treatment will soon be achieved.
To learn more about this support group, please watch our video below "We're full of Life."