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COVID-19 Information from Parker Jewish Institute

The health and safety of our community remains a top priority. We are pleased to offer the following visitation options; a visitation in Parker's facility, a virtual visitation, and an outdoor visitation. All Visitors will be screened upon entering our community. All visitors must verify that they have received a negative COVID-19 test result, one-day prior to visitation, by the antigen rapid test or two days prior to visitation with a PCR test.

Visitation in Parker’s Facility: Parker’s facility is open for visitations. For information on our safety procedures for visiting your loved one here at Parker, please click here.

Virtual Visitation: To schedule a virtual visit please click here. Please be sure to indicate your name, your loved one’s name and room number in the online sign-up.

Outdoor Visitation: Please click here to make an appointment for an outdoor visit on our lower level patio.

Parker Pandemic Emergency Response Plan: Click Here

Coronavirus Update

Daily Dashboard

We are providing this data in an effort to provide full transparency to the reality of how COVID-19 has affected Parker Jewish Institute. It goes without saying that none of the residents, whom we love and care for, and who are even more cherished by you, can ever be reduced to a statistic.

Know this, our brave and caring staff will never quit fighting for the health and safety of all who have been entrusted to our care. We deeply mourn the loss of all who have fallen to this horrific virus.

Daily COVID Update for:

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Below are the number of residents who, over the past 24 hours have:

Tested Positive with COVID-19:
Passed Away with COVID-19:
Been Admitted with COVID-19:
Recovered From COVID-19:
Community Transmission Rate, Queens County:

Coronavirus Update

Parker's General Infection Control Guidance

Proactive measures include, but are not limited to:

  1. Creation of COVID-19 policies and procedures.
  2. Starting in late March, 2020, we used a test-based strategy, to definitively know the COVID status of symptomatic patients.
  3. Aggressive Infection Control line listing, of COVID-19 + patients.
  4. Maintenance of a bed board system, to visualize resulted patients.
  5. Monitoring of staff call-outs, testing results and return to work dates.
  6. Production of staff and resident education materials regarding the virus, its transmission and prevention.
  7. Ongoing education regarding Personal Protective Equipment, for all staff and residents.
  8. Designation of surge areas throughout the facility and construction of a swing unit, in the auditorium available as needed.
  9. Restriction of visitors, in advance of the regulatory mandate, when needed.
  10. Aggressive cleaning schedule, as well as supplemental facility spray disinfection.
  11. Establishment of the Family Call Center, to facilitate patient/resident/family communication efforts.
  12. Availability of FaceTime for residents, to communicate with family members.

Weekly Cumulative Numbers for:

3/15/25 - 3/21/25

Below are the number of residents who, over the past week have:

Tested Positive with COVID-19:
Passed Away with COVID-19:
Been Admitted with COVID-19:
Recovered From COVID-19:
Cluster of 3 or more residents and/or staff with new onset of respiratory symptoms:
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